
Violas - Leipzig

Dad and Grandpa deciding upon flowers.


19. Wave-Gothic-Meeting in Leipzig - Some Pictures of Today

Having Fun!

"Could you hold it?"

Gothic Family - Yes they are like everyone else. Right after this pic the little girl in the buggy had a fit of rage. Lol.

Another family. Look at the boys feet. ;-) But they certainly have their posture down. What do you think, did they rehearse where to stand?

Look at the old man on the left, his posture says everything. LoL.

I love the atmosphere at this weekend in Leipzig!
Everyone is enjoying the weather and the wonderful clothes. I still haven't fully overcome my fear of taking pictures of people. Even though I even got asked to take a picture of a couple! Well, there are two more days to get used to it.

All pics taken with my Canon Digital Ixus 75.

Perlentaucher Store Window - Leipzig

Cross developed 400 ASA film


Old shop gate - Anger-Crottendorf, Leipzig

Sorry for not posting, I've been sick for 1 1/2 weeks now and still haven't recovered fully. Hope all of you are well.


Landfill Gröbern - near Leipzig

Yes, even german rubbish is neat. The dark stuff on the left? That's rubbish!


Clouds 3- Villingen 2009

Nikon F90 with Nikkor 35 - 135 mm lens, 200 ASA



Nikon F90 with Nikkor 35 - 135 mm lens, 200 ASA


Clouds 2- Villingen 2009

Nikon F90 with a Nikkor 35 - 135 mm lens, 200 ASA



Clouds - Villingen 2009

Nikon F90 with Nikkor 35-135 lens, 200 ASA

The film was more then ten months left in the camera. I had totally forgotten about it.


Lomography with a Semi-Professional Nikon SLR

Don't ask me, I don't know what I shot here.
Nikon F90 with Nikkor 35-135 mm lens, 200 ASA


Koziol figurine - Sunlight Session

Nikon F90 with Nikkor 35-135mm lens, makro shot, 200 ASA


Park bank on East Cemetry , Leipzig

Having some technology and other issues that need my attention, therefore the other light sessions are postponed.