
Leipzigs Augustus Square

The square seen from the stairs of the opera house, which is the best place to soak up some sun in the city.

Paleojourney pic tomorrow, since I'm offline today (I prescheduled this post, which is a lovely thing to be abled to do.). I just needed a timeout desperately.


  1. ... und hast Du mal ins Programm geschaut, was sie demnächst spielen? Warst Du eigentlich mal wieder bei den Studentenkonzerten unserer Musikhochschule? Was habe ich verpaßt?

    Lg Chris

  2. Hi San, funny you said you desperately needed a little time out: that's how I'm feeling about the virtual world this week, too. I'm even thinking of not blogging ALL WEEK, which I haven't done since i started 2 years ago - not even on holiday!

    Love these shots - especially this one from the point of view of your toes. Came here to say thank you - from my heart - for what you wrote today. It really did get me down, I hate to admit, but it did, so thank you. Hope you're having a lovely week too! xox jC
