
2013 foundation, 2014 refinement

This is in short how I see the year 2013 in hindsight. 

I haven't much done this year when it comes to artwork, photography or drawings. Mainly because I was occupied with my job and the set-up of my studio (it's "finished"). 

I did take a drawing class in May and I learned something in that class, but not what I was supposed to learn or had planned to learn for that matter. Instead I learned that I don't like to draw the world outside. I hate it when people look over my shoulder while I draw and comment. Nevertheless the class was good fun. 

So, for 2014 I have planned to segment it into project months. Every month I will look into something else, for example: typography, Adobe Illustrator, watercolors, illustration, macrophotography, etc. Except for January I haven't decided on the monthly topics. I think one month gives me enough time to get deep enough into a subject to find out if it is the right thing for me and to get at least a few decent results. 

So for January 2014 (I started a few days ago with it ;-) my topic is: TYPOGRAPHY, SCRIPT, CALLIGRAPHY. I always had a thing for fonts and pictures made of type. So I've got several books on that topic. Such as Type Image by Barbara Brownie (lovely book), Hand Job - A catalog of Type by Michael Perry and my newest acquisition is Hand to Type: Scripts, Hand-Lettering and Calligraphy by R. Klanten, J. Middendorp, H. Hellige. I love those books and I will have great fun trying out those ideas in them. 

What are your plans for 2014?


Happy Holidays

I'm back in Leipzig for the occasion. Funny thing is: I don't feel at home here anymore. 

Nevertheless, I'm happy to meet and spend time with my friends, enjoying some christmas treats and winding down after some very demanding months at work.

I hope you can enjoy a few days of peace and fun and enjoy whatever holiday it is to you. 


A banana forest in the city

Hey there. Yes I'm still alive, but everyday life has gotten the better of me and this blog. Anyway, the forest you see is not far from my dwellings situated right in the middle of Karlsruhe, in the city's botanical garden. I love this place. 


Karlsruhe Castle in beautiful evening light

Hey there, still alive. Life got in the way of blogging. Can't promise anything but hopefully I'm back to it. Cause I've missed you. 


Floating aimlessly in space

This was how I felt the last weekend, when it finally dawned at me why I was in such a weird mood those last months. Because guess what, I've reached all of my goals I had so far. What goals?
Well, the biggies:

  • Abitur (german version of the A-Levels) - check
  • Vocational training - check
  • Academic studies (Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieurin (FH)) - check
  • A well-paid job that I like and excel in - check
  • A nice flat - check
  • A washing machine - check
  • Triathlon - not interested anymore therefore crossed off my goal list

Without realizing it I had reached my goals and I didn't know what to do with myself. Especially after work in the evenings, I'd come home and didn't know what to do with myself. Even watching "Friends" and "Big Bang Theory" had become stale. 

So, I used my weekend to ponder this and I came up with a new "big goal", which incidentally had already been there all along. Funny how things work out. And no, I don't want kids! 

Anyway, I feel centered again and that's exactly what I needed. 

Do you have goals?



Yeah, I just love it!
Now I'm just waiting for warmer weather to go to the park with them. 


Spring is finally here (at the calendar)

Okay, so this is a vineyard in Rheinland-Pfalz last September, but it only takes a few more weeks and nature will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. Only a few more weeks and it will be warm, sunny and green out there. 

I can hardly wait. And that is for two reasons:
1. I'm fed up with the bad weather, winter clothes and all the grey and brown out there.
2. I want to get back to biking and I want to use my new hula hoop outside in the park, to learn all the cool tricks (My flats ceiling is too low for that.).

Yeah, I just started hooping yesterday. It's fun and very good physical training/play. And I can do it inside and outside, without a partner or much preparation (as compared to swimming, weight lifting, etc.). I like it much more than yoga, running or swimming. It's inexpensive! (Well compared to Triathlon most sports are inexpensive ;-) In case you don't know what I'm talking about watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0he0ShHS20c
Looks like fun, doesn't it?


Back at the drawing board

So I finally got back to my drawing board yesterday and this what I came up with. After months of not drawing my hand is quite inflexible and my lines aren't flowing. definitely need practice  in drawing and clearing my head. I was thinking about way too much stuff. 

Nevertheless I did enjoy the sunny weekend outside and in my wonderful living room / artists studio. 

How was your weekend?


We had joy, we had fun, we had bikes in the sun

I wish you all a wonderful weekend. 

In Karlsruhe the sun will hopefully come out, all that grey weather lately has been depressing. However it is very uplifting to see, me and my blog haven't been forgotten. Cheers to all my friends out there!


Karlsruhe in Fall

Oh, I love these small garden houses. I don't know what they were originally for, but I'd love to have artists studio in one of them. The light and the view would be ideal. 

In other news; I'm still alive, I still work in my fantastic engineering job, I attended another drawing class and I finally did set up my drawing table.  Now all I have to do is to actually draw. ;-) Well, maybe tonight I will.