
"Don't you disappoint love"

It is quite surprising of what you can learn from old movies. I got a little lesson yesterday evening through "If a man answers".* In one scene the mother tells the daughter:

"If you come to love and say to it: If you're so wonderful. Please me, satisfy me, fulfil me. Then you probably will be disappointed. It all depends what you yourself bring to it. Don't you disappoint love."

Which is true. Now switch "love" with "life" and you have an even greater and deeper truth. It dawned on me yesterday evening that I was always holding back, this goes especially for my creativity, my art and often my relationships. It's getting old to blame everything on my upbringing, however in this case it is right. I was always taught to not invest too much time, money (especially not money!), work, feelings or whatever. I guess it's a generation thing. You can get by with this philosophy, but I realized yesterday that I won't get where I want to go with this approach to life. As I've already told you in another post I have the goal to actually become a wellknown artist and live an amazing life, therefore from now on I really will put myself into it. With everything I've got. As the film mother says. So I will bring my time, my work, my humor, my exuberance, my brains, my feelings, my whole body and soul and heart to this life of mine.

That's the reason for this picture above. I finally can see the next few meters of my path. This pic is from my Darss-vacation in March.

So today, I will bring some filled in forms to where they belong, work on my artistic skillset and put up the easel that I bought yesterday**, go to an event that informs creative people to how the german artists social insurance works and just in general enjoy my life. Oh yes, I will also become a member of a local creative folks club. And I will start to inform myself about digital SLR cameras. I've decided I need a digital SLR, since my Ixus isn't good with low light situations. And I really want to take more night shots. Good thing I have tomorrow my next interview, this means I might soon be back to making money and therefore be abled to buy myself a good SLR soon. ;)

What will you bring to your love and life today? Where do you want to go with that life of yours?

* Hilarious and really lovely movie, definitely worth watching.
** I also bought all sorts of paper, a transport roll that stinks of plastic (yuk), some color pencils, a drawing board, a 2012 pocket calendar and a huge A2 black box. The shopping took me ages. Who'd have know it's so hard to decide upon an easel. Pics coming soon.


  1. What an uplifting and inspiring post - so good to hear about your creative plans. Perfect photo to illustrate your new direction too.

  2. All the best on your plans! Did you hear/read Steve Jobs' commencement speech for Stanford a few years back? He said dropping out of college, getting fired, and facing death made him what he is. It freed him to pursue what he loved to do. He also mentioned how important it is to "connect the dots" because it's the little things you love from way back that end up inspiring you in the future. So Best Wishes as you go on your path!

    And I loved your comment about Maui and surfing after the wedding ceremony. Now THAT is what I call a destination wedding!
