My joy of cooking new dishes, trying out new tastes and food.
The last few months I couldn't for the life of me be bothered to actually cook out of joy. It was a boring task that every now and then just had to be done. Whenever I bought veggies they tended to rot away in my fridges veggie box.
However in those last two weeks I started to crave new tastes, different tastes. This lead to some foolish behaviour yesterday, I bought pudding (Grießpudding) which contained wheat. The foolishness? I'm allergic to cereals. To top that off I'm also allergic to sugar, I learned that because I ate a lot of chocolate this week (without fructose-glucose-syrup, that stuff is the devil: ) and my skin showed almost immediately signs of inflammation. Not good, in fact this is very bad.
However this very morning when I woke up of 11 hours of blissful sleep, I felt that I finally want to cook again. So I start into this day with an extra yummy and fluffy omelette made of four eggs (including the yolks, cause the contain all the good stuff, or have you ever heard of a chick/biddie with high cholesterol?), 3 small Roma-tomatoes, some freshly grounded salt and pepper and most importantly much of Baharat I love this spice mixture.
So, I will actually start trying out new stuff in the kitchen again. Especially since I've got a new kitchen toy since yesterday evening, thanks to my dad. I now own a ... wait for it, wait for it ... a (are your seatbelts fastened?! hold tight) CAN OPENER. Yes, I've lived in my very own flat for nearly a year now without a can opener. Since I hardly ever eat canned food, I didn't need one. And the few times I wanted some canned food, I've bought the version with the built-in can opener. Well, yesterday evening when I went grocery shopping with my dad* I had the idea for a Sauerkraut-soup with coconut milk** and when I stood in front of the shelf with Sauerkraut and saw the cans without a built-in can opener it dawn on me that I don't own this very tool. Well, I asked my dad if he would buy me one and so he did. So there you have it, thanks to my dad I'm now proud owner of a can opener.*** What was the latest kitchen tool you bought/got/organised?
Therefore this weekend I will do a bit of cooking. Especially now that I have fresh veggies in my fridge and need to balance the pudding out. Also I will follow Leo Babautas advice and put a maximum of 3 things on my To-Do-List, that way I won't feel overwhelmed by it and have a feeling of accomplishment. I'm also trying to instill one new habit (beauty care) at the moment. Have you stumbled upon Zen Habits so far? If so did you like it? I really like it and Leos advice is really helpful.
The pic above is from the Darss National Park. It is the area of the old harbor of Prerow, most of it has silted up and there is this huge reed area now with occassional brooks like this. I really enjoyed the walk trough this area, it was so calming and just plain beautiful.
I hope you'll have a wonderful, magical weekend filled with laughter, joy and comfy moments. It's up to you so make it the weekend you like. If you feel like it, why don't you tell me what you would like to do during this weekend?
The last few months I couldn't for the life of me be bothered to actually cook out of joy. It was a boring task that every now and then just had to be done. Whenever I bought veggies they tended to rot away in my fridges veggie box.
However in those last two weeks I started to crave new tastes, different tastes. This lead to some foolish behaviour yesterday, I bought pudding (Grießpudding) which contained wheat. The foolishness? I'm allergic to cereals. To top that off I'm also allergic to sugar, I learned that because I ate a lot of chocolate this week (without fructose-glucose-syrup, that stuff is the devil: ) and my skin showed almost immediately signs of inflammation. Not good, in fact this is very bad.
However this very morning when I woke up of 11 hours of blissful sleep, I felt that I finally want to cook again. So I start into this day with an extra yummy and fluffy omelette made of four eggs (including the yolks, cause the contain all the good stuff, or have you ever heard of a chick/biddie with high cholesterol?), 3 small Roma-tomatoes, some freshly grounded salt and pepper and most importantly much of Baharat I love this spice mixture.
So, I will actually start trying out new stuff in the kitchen again. Especially since I've got a new kitchen toy since yesterday evening, thanks to my dad. I now own a ... wait for it, wait for it ... a (are your seatbelts fastened?! hold tight) CAN OPENER. Yes, I've lived in my very own flat for nearly a year now without a can opener. Since I hardly ever eat canned food, I didn't need one. And the few times I wanted some canned food, I've bought the version with the built-in can opener. Well, yesterday evening when I went grocery shopping with my dad* I had the idea for a Sauerkraut-soup with coconut milk** and when I stood in front of the shelf with Sauerkraut and saw the cans without a built-in can opener it dawn on me that I don't own this very tool. Well, I asked my dad if he would buy me one and so he did. So there you have it, thanks to my dad I'm now proud owner of a can opener.*** What was the latest kitchen tool you bought/got/organised?
Therefore this weekend I will do a bit of cooking. Especially now that I have fresh veggies in my fridge and need to balance the pudding out. Also I will follow Leo Babautas advice and put a maximum of 3 things on my To-Do-List, that way I won't feel overwhelmed by it and have a feeling of accomplishment. I'm also trying to instill one new habit (beauty care) at the moment. Have you stumbled upon Zen Habits so far? If so did you like it? I really like it and Leos advice is really helpful.
The pic above is from the Darss National Park. It is the area of the old harbor of Prerow, most of it has silted up and there is this huge reed area now with occassional brooks like this. I really enjoyed the walk trough this area, it was so calming and just plain beautiful.
I hope you'll have a wonderful, magical weekend filled with laughter, joy and comfy moments. It's up to you so make it the weekend you like. If you feel like it, why don't you tell me what you would like to do during this weekend?
* I don't own a car, so I usually go with my dad on the big weekly grocery shopping spree. ****
** No, there isn't a recipe yet, as far as I know. I just thought it would be an interesting combination. I bought the coconut milk last week.
*** Just in case you are wondering, I bought the Sauerkraut in a glass with screw cap. The glass is better for the environment. ;-)
**** Actually I have decided that I won't buy a car for myself. I want to live in big cities and there I have public transport. And should I actually need a car there is carsharing. It has many advantages: small starting investment, no insurance or taxes amounts that drive you mad, only parking space search when you use the car, reducing the carbo footprint for yourself and therefore doing something for the environment and the climate, nearly no parking fees, no costs for fixing stuff, no storage fee for the tires, no worrying about the tire change in Spring and Fall and most importantly choosing the car size and features every single time you use one according to your needs/plans. I dare say it is perfect for people who live in big cities.*****
***** No, I don't get payed by them to write this.
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